Montreal Is Ready To Fucking RAGE

Fans still aren't really allowed inside the Bell Centre in any real numbers, but apparently the Habs fans give ZERO fucks about that. They are ready to fucking RAGE. I am scared for the city if they don't win tonight. We've seen how Canadian cities react to bad losses(cough Vancouver cough cough). These people have been cooped up for going on 18 months now and they've been wandering the NHL desert for basically 30 years now. I didn't see any old fans wandering the streets. It was the young people. The people who have no memory of Patrick Roy, Guy Lafleur, Jean Beliveau, Richard, or any of the guys who made the bleu, blanc, et rouge the New York Yankees of hockey. Those guys aren't walking through that door. You know who is though...Bergevin

The swaggiest motherfucker whoever was a GM. He's ready to fucking dance tonight. He put together the best most impossibly boring team these eyes have seen since the New Jersey Devils of the 90s, but there's some magic about these guys. Something about those colors. The young guys. The players all buying into this slug it out slow down style while they wait for Caufield to bury one. I bet Vegas in regulation tonight which means the Knights are fucked even though this series feels destined for 7 games, but the Habs have played virtually perfect in this series. Part of me hopes they get it done. Canada has waited long enough. 

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